Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Edited the UFC Mag Front Cover

I went back and added a little more to the Magazine layout, I thinks it looks better with the broken glass effect.

Monday, July 22, 2013

UFC Magazine Front Page

Magazine layout for UFC

Flyer Package for Encore, XS Nightclub

This is a Flyer Package 8th page, half page and full page.
This is all fictional, did it for a school project too.

Magazine Front Cover BYOB

BYOB is a fictional magazine I did for a school project, I created it using a mixture of Illustrator and Photoshop

ESPN Magazine Front Page

One of my First Magazine front covers I created

Magazine Personal Layout

Here I created my on page for a magazine, used Photoshop and InDesign

Jessica Rabbit Illustrator Painting

This drawing I did not do, all I did was Paint it, this design was painted in Illustrator only.

Photoshop Edit

Another Photoshop design, just playing around

Megan Fox Typography Project

A typography project where Mostly I used Illustrator and little Photoshop

Hair stylis website

I created this website for a friend, He is a hair stylist.


My Own Font!!!!

I created my own font, and more than 1000 people downloaded it!!!!
you can download it here:

First Gig

I created this website, I know little html and css, but pulled it off, and also created their logo


First Logo

Here I started playing around with Illustrator, and created this fictional logo